Crunch n Dip

Crunch n Dip

To celebrate the final NAPLAN test and encourage students to bring Crunch’n’Sip to school we had a wonderful Crunch’n’Dip morning tea on Thursday. The rainbow colours of the vegies were amazing and made it all so much fun to share with our friends at recess time. The popularity of these morning teas is a good indication that our students are keen to eat healthy as they devoured the crunchy treats. Please remember that students are having to wait a bit longer for their morning tea with the new timetable trial so a small container of easy to eat, chopped fruit or veg will help them re-fuel to assist their physical and mental performance as well as concentration in the classroom.

Thanks to Kim and Shane Clarke for their help chopping up the vegetables in time for recess.


Crunch n Dip
Crunch n Dip