Science week 2019 saw us launch our new ‘Maker Space’ with classes rotating through the space to participate in STEM activities.
For Science week the Kindy and Pre-primary students conducted an experiment. We put coloured water into a glass and added a piece of celery in each glass. After a couple of hours, the celery started to turn blue and red. This occurred because the plant draws water up through its capillaries. We loved this experiment and wanted to change the colour of other things.
Room 6 spent half a day in our new Maker Space room and read a story called, “The cow tripped over the moon”.
We had to design something to get the cow over the moon.
We decided to build rockets. First we drew our designs. We made rockets by creating 3D shapes such as cylinders and cones and added bits and pieces to create the most amazing rockets.
We had a fun time in the maker space room creating designs and building rockets.
You can see our fabulous creations displayed in our junior block.
Room 8
The students in room 8 visited the Maker Space room on Wednesday of Science Week.
We read a story called ”The cat on the roof” and then we had to design and make a way to help the cat get down off the roof. Some people made ladders, trampolines, zip lines, parachutes and we even had a helicopter. We had a wonderful time creating and solving the cat’s problem!
Room 14
Last week was a huge week for Room 14 – Year 5 & 6. We celebrated Science Week on Monday by catapulting a cow over the moon!! We all worked together to create a catapult that would send a pom pom as far as we could. The Maker Space room was filled with all sorts of great equipment to use. We used popsticks, elastic bands, tin cans, spoons and a hot glue guns to produce marvelous creations. After we had all finished, we had a competition to see whose catapult worked the best. Aiden, Kobi and Carter managed to send their ‘cow’ 4.25 metres!
For science week, room 16 used the new STEM room to create a marble run out of materials of their choice. They watched a youtube clip to get an idea of what a marble run is about. Then they worked in small groups to design a marble run and to list the resources needed to build it.