In spite of some cold weather, wind and rain we held a very successful Athletics Carnival on 19 September. Congratulations to the students from Gold who won the Carnival. The scores were Green 257, Blue 300 and Gold 404. Congratulations to Green who won the Inaugural Spirit Award. They won both parts of the award with a clear majority in both Carnival Day points for cheering, marching etc. and school pink cards.
Thank you to students for your excellent behaviour and sportsmanship.
Thank you to staff for your work before the day training and organising and on the day out in the cold with your various tasks.
Thank you to parents, grandparents, carers and extended families for your support on the day. A special thanks to those who helped clear up after the Carnival.
Thank you to Tori and Katie who stepped up and helped out in the Emergency at the Carnival.
Thank you to the P & C who worked all day to feed the children and families.
Thank you to our Deputy Principal and Thursday Principal Ms Tracey Irving who organised the Carnival. Thank you also to her helpers as she was ably assisted by our Manager of Corporate Service, Ms Carol Derbyshire and a drop in assistance from on sick leave Ms Rona Gartner.