Please read the latest information from our Principal regarding upcoming school activities and events.
Please see attached letter from Hon Sue Ellery MLC Minister for Education and Training
Special Newsletter
Dear Parent / Carer
As many of you will be aware, The Minister of Education, Ms Sue Ellery today announced that all public schools in Western Australia will remain open until the end of term – Thursday, 9 April 2020.
However, families are now encouraged to keep their children at home if they have the capacity to do so.
For Spearwood Primary School this means:
- From next week (Monday, 30 March to Friday, 3 April) all children who attend school will be taught as normal.
- The following week (6 to 9 April) teachers and education assistants will prepare teaching programs for Term 2.
- During this time (6 to 9 April), students who attend school will be supervised only. There will not be a teaching program in place.
At this stage the arrangements for Term 2 in schools are yet to be determined. These arrangements will be communicated to you as soon as they are finalised. As mentioned above, teachers will be working on teaching programs for next term in the last week of this term.
In the meantime, for those who have access to the internet, you may wish to have a look at the Department’s website Learning at home which contains many resources for parents to use with children from Kindy to Year 6.
It can be found at:
Thank you for your ongoing support during a very difficult time for all in the community. I wish you and your families well.
Yours sincerely
Tracey Irving
26 March 2020
Edu-Dance Concert, Easter Hat Parade, 3-Way Conferences, ANZAC Ceremony, Bingo and Canteen
In line with updated advice we regretfully advise that the following Spearwood Primary School events are cancelled: Half day close for Three-Way Conferences, ANZAC Ceremony. Last week the school also cancelled the Edu-Dance Concert and the Easter Hat Parade. Weekly Bingo and Friday Canteen are all cancelled for the rest of Term One and for Term Two.
Please try to minimise how much exposure your children have to all the information. Let’s work together to lessen their anxiety. Children need to know about hand washing and hygiene habits that will lessen their chances of getting flu or Covid-19. They also need to know that they are safe.
If your child is unwell please keep them at home. Everyone is going to be more anxious about every cold and flu this year. Please inform the school and get well at home.
It is a stressful time and a lot of information coming at all of us every day. Principals’ and schools receive updated information and instructions after midday on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I will keep the school community updated when anything changes for students and families.
I will send home paper notes like this for important information and it will also be put onto the website and Connect Notices. Please check student bags daily and other electronic sources for school information.
Marta Rotondella
Monday 23rd March, 2020