Harmony Day Fathering Project Breakfast

Harmony Day Fathering Project Breakfast

On Wednesday 17th March, Harmony Day, the Fathering Group and P & C hosted a breakfast.  We had a nice turn out of fathers and families who ate fruit and yoghurt or sausage in a bun.  It was delightful to see the Dads playing with the sports equipment with their children before school. Thank you to both school community groups for the special morning and the food.  Thank you to our Gardner Mr Nick Taylor, and volunteer Mr Garth Caesar for setting up and manning the BBQ.  Thank you to one of our fathers, Mr Luke Weaver, for coming in early and assisting.  Thank you to anyone I have missed in naming but who helped on the morning.

On this day, Harmony Day activities were also held in classrooms where cultural diversity was celebrated.  Students wore orange to represent Harmony Day or the National Costumes of their heritage.  Lots of children were looking amazing in these celebration clothes.