National Simultaneous Storytime 2021

National Simultaneous Storytime 2021

Today we participated in National Simultaneous Storytime an event held annually by Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). More than a million children have participated in NSS over the years and at Spearwood Primary the whole school gets involved.

This year we heard “Give me some space!” by Philip Bunting read by NASA Astronaut Shannon Walker from the International Space Station! Philip Bunting is a well known Australian picture book author with a number of recent nominations for awards from the Children’s Book Council Australia (CBCA), including Mopoke, Wombat and Not Cute.

In order for this to become possible, this year ALIA partnered with the US-based non-profit organisation, Storytime from Space. This existing organisation aims to educate and excite children about science through reading various space-themed picture books, all from the International Space Station. Their website is filled with recordings of other book readings, activities and small experiments that kids can do at home. If you would like to share with your children some more amazing stories read by astronauts, please visit the above link and check it out.