Clean-up schools Day
On Friday 4th March, Spearwood held the annual Clean-up day. Thanks to Ms Irving for organising again this year. The school was pretty clean and most rubbish was blown in. Well done to students and our gardener, Mr Nick Taylor, for keeping our school looking so good and mostly litter free.
On Friday, 4th March, the whole school grabbed some gloves and a few plastic bags and took part in the Step Up to Clean Up Day. The students from Room 6 cleaned up the oval and basketball court, Room 7 cleaned up around the library, undercover area, main entrance and the big oval while Room 14 cleaned up around the school boundary. Room 14 took on the task of sorting and classifying the rubbish. Here is what we found:
20 cigarette butts
22 pieces of metal
31 pieces of glass
105 pieces of paper
148 pieces of plastic
The most unusual items found were a Christmas card from 2020, a wrist band from an event with pineapples on it and an empty beer carton. As a whole class, we discussed what item of rubbish the students would like to see less of and all unequivocally agreed that it was cigarette butts. They also expressed disappointment about broken glass being found so close to the school.
However, this is a vast improvement from last year, when 124 cigarette butts were found,1323 grams of glass, 895 grams of metal, 571 grams of paper and 606 grams of plastic.