On Friday 14 June, a group of students from Year 4,5 & 6 attended the Winter Lightning Carnival. The students represented Soccer and Netball. The weather was amazing and the students performed beautifully. They certainly displayed sportsmanship, fair play and were kind and respectful to their opponents.
It was lovely to see a number of parents attend both venues and cheer the students. Thank you to Mrs Gartner, Mrs Colleran and Mrs Kovacevic for organising the teams and being there for our students.
I just loved seeing the students smile and enjoy the day. They were so grateful for the opportunity. The netball team came second in their group and the soccer came third. A surprise for the Soccer team as they received a, ‘Fair Play’ trophy. Congratulations to the participants as they modelled true sportsmanship.
A big thankyou to Katiana’s mum for umpiring all 6 netball games. Thankyou also to all the family members who assisted with scoring, timing, coaching and cheering.
A big thank you to Signora Kovancevic for assisting in the selecting and coaching of the soccer team. Ms Colleran was thrown into the deep end and experienced her first soccer carnival, supervising the team! Thank you to the parents who came along in support.