Welcome to Spearwood Primary School

Spearwood Primary School is a small Independent Public School located on Gerald Street Spearwood. Spearwood Primary School offers quiet and peaceful surroundings with many large trees, shady verandas and grassed playing fields for sporting and recreation activities.

Our school is enriched by the multicultural background of almost half of our families, the inclusion of students with special needs and gifted and talented students. Our team of talented and experienced staff strive to maximise learning success for all students by providing a quality program which is enhanced by specialist programs and enrichment opportunities.

At Spearwood Primary School great importance is placed on providing opportunities for students to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes to contribute successfully to a rapidly changing society. Spearwood Primary School provides Kindergarten education to students turning 4 by June 30. Our Kindergarten is located on site in the Early Learning Centre. This learning journey continues with the full-time Pre-Primary progressing to Year Six.

We have a positive reputation for being inclusive of all members of the school community through our quality teaching and learning programs, behaviour management processes, pastoral care, and parent/carer partnerships.

Spearwood Primary School has a commitment to assisting students to develop their understanding of the Values and a whole school student-centred approach has been adopted. Our student leadership program, through the elected Prefects and Faction Sports Captains, is an example of the development of the values of social and civic responsibility.

The achievements and progress of our school are strongly supported by parents who are actively involved at all levels of the school program. This is evident in the work of the School Board, Parents & Citizens, Canteen Committee, and uniform shop. All parents/carers are welcomed and valued by the school and form a strong link in enabling student success. We have strong partnerships with the local community, especially the Cockburn City Council, neighbouring schools, and community youth services.

Specialist Learning Programs

The Italian language is studied by all students from Year 1 to Year 6 through an integrated learning approach.

Physical Education is taught by a specialist teacher to ensure fundamental movement and games skills are taught across the school.

Humanities and Social Sciences is taught across the school by a specialist teacher.

Highway Heroes – Social/Emotional Learning is delivered by classroom teachers from Kindergarten – Year 6.

Talk4Writing – an oral language approach to developing student’s writing skills.

Our Values and Beliefs

Values are an integral element of the curriculum and are part of all learning areas. As part of the current Business Plan, Spearwood Primary School is introducing and incorporating the “The Six Kinds of Best” student values program into the school. Concepts taught through this program are aligned to the values of the National Frameworks’ Values in Australian Schools that were included in the last two Business Plans. These are simpler and more student focused. The program’s framework encourages and supports students to develop the values incorporated in the following six key domains.

  1. Being kind to themselves (respect yourselves).
  2. Being kind to others (respect others).
  3. Being kind to the environment (value the environment).
  4. Being the learning kind (seek knowledge).
  5. Being the achieving kind (achieve your potential).
  6. Being the community kind (contribute positively to society).

Physical Structure of the School

The school consists of:

  • Two main teaching clusters, one Administration Area and an Early Childhood Centre.
  • Staffroom, Uniform Store, Computer Lab., Resource Rooms and general storage areas.
  • Library/Resource Centre
  • An Undercover Assembly Area, constructed in 2011, features a modern fully equipped Canteen, Sports Store, Music Room and Art Room. In addition Cleaners and Gardeners storerooms are also located in this building.

The school has two sizable ovals for sporting events along with a large area for ‘hard-court’ games such as basketball, netball and handball. Ongoing ground works have seen the beautification of the gardens around the school and the provision of enhanced play facilities for the Early Childhood Centre.

Start and Finish Times

Start Time: 8.45 am

Recess: 10.35 – 11.00 am

Lunch 1.05 – 1.35 pm

Home Time: 2.50pm

Our School spearwood primary school
Our School spearwood primary school
Our School spearwood primary school
Spearwood Primary School


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