
High quality positive relationships between teachers, students and parents based on trust and mutual respect are key to effective student behaviour education. Teaching students to take responsibility for their own behaviour and having respect for the rights of others are the goals of the school’s behaviour education program.

At Spearwood Primary School we believe that:

  • Behaviour is learned                                  
  • Behaviour can be taught
  • Behaviour is contextual                                                                                             

Our Student Behaviour Policy acknowledges individual differences amongst students and provides for a flexible process for teachers and administrators responding to behaviour issues, ranging from everyday classroom misdemeanours to serious breaches of the School Code of Conduct. At Spearwood PS, staff use a positive, preventative approach to resolve behaviour issues. Approaches are directed towards helping students to learn appropriate classroom and school playground behaviour and reflect our school values. We use the social and emotional life skills programs “Highway Heroes” and “Little Highway Heroes” to further support positive behaviour education.    Click here for more information on “Highway Heroes”

Our staff clearly explain school and classroom expectations and rules in order to build a deep understanding of the school code and classroom expectations. These are taught, displayed and reviewed throughout the year. Consequences of misbehaviour are clearly explained to students and minor behaviours are addressed using a variety of low key strategies to correct misbehaviour. Students are given responsibility through choices in making appropriate decisions about their behaviour. Students may require time out and partner class time to support them in resetting their behaviour. Where misbehaviour continues, the student will spend their recess / lunch in reflection instead of playing with friends. Students who display repeated or severe behaviour will be sent to Administration and may have their good standing privileges cancelled for a particular time frame. Where necessary, individual behaviour plans will be developed to support the student in their learning of appropriate behaviour.

 School Values

The values taught in the school are in line with those outlined in the National Framework for ‘Values Education in Australian School’ Document. Click here for more information on “Values Education”


Bullying is unacceptable to the Spearwood PS community. Bullying is a misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm or distress over any period of time. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Single incidents and conflict between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying. However, these conflicts still are addressed and resolved. When bullying is identified, staff respond promptly using a range of processes appropriate to the context.

To prevent and educate students from K-6 about bullying, Spearwood PS:

  • Explicitly teach self-management and social skills through the Health curriculum and Highway Heroes program
  • Explicitly teach Protective Behaviours
  • Model appropriate behaviour
  • Provide opportunities and experiences that build a sense of belonging

 Whole School Incentive System

In the Classroom

All teachers include positive incentives in their classroom behaviour approach including such things as:

  • group points, bank books, marbles in a jar etc.;
  • Visiting administration to show great work;
  • Up to two Merit Certificates are presented at each Assembly per class;
  • Two students selected each term to attend the Brilliant Kids Morning Tea.

Outside the Classroom

Positive reinforcement and awards are promoted across the school. Awards include:

  • Whole class recognition reward for the most pink tickets each week;
  • Pink ticket raffle prizes;
  • Attendance certificates and prize raffles;
  • Merit certificates;
  • Specialist class certificates.

Good Standing

All students in the school automatically have “Good Standing” subject to satisfactory attendance, adherence to dress code and behaviour. The Principal or Deputy Principal may withdraw students’ Good Standing at their discretion and parents are notified. When Good Standing is cancelled, all extra-curricular privileges (anything that is not part of the compulsory curriculum) for the student are revoked. Administration negotiate an individual plan for each student to assist them to regain their Good Standing.


student behaviour spearwood primary school
student behaviour spearwood primary school
student behaviour spearwood primary school
Spearwood Primary School


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