The P&C will be holding their AGM on Wednesday the 14th of February at 8:45am.
Easter Tuesday Public Holiday is on Tuesday 3rd April.
Join us as we celebrate Harmony Week with a School Breakfast. Presented by The P&C in conjunction with The Fathering Project and Connecting Community For Kids!
The Spearwood Primary School P&C in conjunction with the Spearwood Progress Association will be holding a Sausage Sizzle on Saturday May 21st. Please support this event when you cast your vote in the State Election. Meet the members of the P&C and have a chat with the community members form the Spearwood Progress Association.
The next P & C meeting will be held on Wednesday February 14 at 10.00 am in Room 12. We publish meeting dates on term planners and put reminders in the newsletter as all parents/carers and friends are welcome. Please come along and learn what this body does for your children and the school and how you can become involved.