Parent Information

Spearwood Primary School is committed to High Performance and High Care for our students.  We believe this can only be achieved through the meaningful partnerships with parents, families and the community.  The school uses many forums to develop and keep the whole community informed.  This website is a key element to that information and communication.  Our other methods of communication include:  Newsletters, Text messaging, parent information sessions, three-way conferences and telephone contacts.

Spearwood Primary School is a school with over a hundred year history and a community who holds the school with great affection.  We have many multi-generational enrolments.   The long standing of the school in the community and great affection for Spearwood Primary School feeds into all areas of the school and overall support.  The school has a strong positive presence in both the Cities of Cockburn and Fremantle having being involved with both Councils in varying community events over many years.

There are many opportunities for parents to be involved with the school.  Spearwood Primary School Parents and Citizens Association (P & C) is a very successful, long standing support for the students of the school.  They raise funds and run:  Uniform Shop, Canteen, Breakfast Club and School Banking.  The P & C has a subcommittee that run a Filipino community group each week. Spearwood Primary School Board has a grounds subcommittee to work on short term and long planning to improve the school environment.  Volunteers and members are always welcome.

Important Enrolment information and Forms are also in this section.

Education is the shared responsibility of students, teachers and the community. We encourage your involvement with the school and look forward to a partnership with you. We sincerely hope that your children enjoy their time with us.

parent information spearwood primary school
Spearwood Primary School


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