Community Health Nurse
All public and private primary schools are allocated a Community Health Nurse (CHN) to provide early detection, health education and to build capacity within the school to care for children with particular health needs. CHNs promote healthy development and wellbeing so students may reach their full potential
Our CHN at Spearwood PS is Sabrina. Sabrina has been recently allocated to Spearwood PS and although not situated on site is easily contactable via the front office.
A major part of Sabrina’s work is focused on early intervention and the School Entry Health Assessment program. Sabrina serves as a health contact point for children, and their families, providing information, assessment, health counselling and referral.
CHN may also provide the following:
- Information, advocacy and support for children and their parents to make informed decisions about health, wellbeing and development
- Health and development assessments
- Referral to other health services for further assessment, tests, diagnosis, treatment or therapy
- Parent advise and parenting programs (ie Triple P)
- Support for teachers to provide health education in the classroom
- Student health and wellbeing programs, e.g. Growth and Development
If you would like more information regarding the services provide by Child and Adolescent Community Health or would like to contact Sabrina, please contact the front office for Sabrina’s contact details.
Dental Therapy Clinic
Coolbellup Community School
15 Waverly Road, COOLBELLUP WA 6163
T: (08) 9337 7256
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