Service: Advantages



School Newsletters are published through Schoolzine each fortnight. Schoolzine is compatible with all digital devices. Keep up to date with news and events.



Information on how to enrol and enrolment application forms can be found here.



All children are supported to reach their full potential through a shared pedagogy and explicit instruction.  The skills, values and attitudes in the Western Australian Curriculum are reflected in our teaching and learning programs. CLICK HERE to find out more.

P & C

P & C

The P&C support the school by raising funds to supplement learning resources and educational programs and provide improvements to facilities. CLICK HERE to find out more.

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop

Open every Wednesday of school term from 8.30 am until 9.00 am.  We can supply all of your uniform items. CLICK HERE to find out more.



We follow healthy eating guidelines for all students and staff.  Great fuel for great learning. CLICK HERE to find out more.