Teaching & Learning
Spearwood Primary School is committed to High Performance and High Care for our students. We strive for excellence by focusing on four areas that are the foundations for sustained student and school success.
- High expectations of success for every student in the school.
- High quality teaching with a focus on best possible teaching practices.
- Effective Leadership.
- Strong governance and support.
Staff at Spearwood Primary School believe students are more likely to achieve their potential when the school is focused on improvement and aims for the following prerequisites:
- High Attendance;
- High Expectations;
- Content Focus on Literacy and Numeracy;
- Evidence based, explicit, common approaches to teaching;
- Students are in a safe and supportive learning environment;
- Excellent Relationships with staff, parents and students; and
- The diversity of culture and values represented in the school and wider community are acknowledged and respected.
The Early Years Learning Framework: Belonging, Being and Becoming, describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhance young children’s learning in Kindergarten.
Pre-Primary to Year Six Western Australian Curriculum provides a coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and achievement standards for Spearwood teachers to use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents. The eight learning areas: English (Literacy); Mathematics (Numeracy), Science, Arts, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Languages and Information and Communication Technology are detailed further in this section.
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